传统车 新能源车 By working diligently, one can achieve the goal of his/her life. Through assiduous efforts to achieve the goals in life. (assiduous 是高级词汇了,如果不是在 英语 论文中最好不

宜人贷回应遭清理 通过 我 的努力 through my effort 通过 这件事 through this case/issue/matter等等有很多词可以表示~ 希望能帮助您~

比较清爽容易冲洗的沐浴露有哪些 我要 通过自己的努力 实现梦想 翻译为I want to realize my dreams through my own efforts 有疑请追

家电清理行业怎么样 1.I hope to be successful through my own effort . I hope to realize my dream through my own effort .2.I can succeed./It's time you work harder.3.No pains, no gains.

直播 知识产权 Only by working hard can we make a success.倒装句式哦 或Only by our own arduous efforts can we succeed.

知识产权管理系统ppt 1我希望 通过自己的努力 取得成功 /实现自己的梦想2我能成功/你应该努力了

如何给自己打分 通过 我的不懈 努力 这个句子 用 英语 表达 翻译为 through my unremitting efforts

山西新冠疫苗什么时候全民接种 I hope that through their own efforts to achieve my dream 呵呵```这样也行``

子女抚养养父母 通过 我 的努力 ,我会取得成功


2018年在线高清理伦片 Realize one's dream through one's hard working.

男友要我穿戴蝴蝶上课 I won the competition through my own efforts.

盘点侮辱智商的小学生 endour