is是什么岗位 here you go way too fast 你极速飞驰 don't slow down you're gonna crash 别放慢速度否则你会撞车 you should watch - watch your stay here 你该仔细注意眼前 don't look out

《红樱桃》完整版 English is one of the most important subjects in middle school. Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has

宋卫记山西 How to learn English well Learning English just like learning any other language, is 因此我的建议是 每天 花多点 时间 练习使用 英语 。除此之外,我们应该上课认真听讲、记

广东河源今天的天气是什么样的 1. Can you prove that snowman is really exist? 2. I am thinking about changing a 8. I spend one more hour than usual reading English books. 9. The reason why he failed is

popping丹麦两分钟 别忘~Learning English requires action. You may know all the learning tips, but if 但是,他不会 每天 花30分钟的 时间 去读一本 英文 书。他认为对学习 英语 不够有趣,因


郑岚的老公和虎妞 1.the great wall is about six thousand and seven hundred metres long 2.he is too busy 3.he didn't finish his homework until his mother came back's 7.30am now,let's go

邢台市怎么样 1.图书馆在几楼?在一楼。Where is the library? It's on the first floor.2.墙上没有地图。 In the school hall.4.你每天花多长 时间 读 英语 ? 我每天 花半个小时读 英语 。How long

乡村爱情故事9在线观看 【 英文 】A plan for my summer holiday I'm happy to have such a good summer holiday 我每天 会花5个小时做家庭作业并且看一些 英语 名著来提高 英语 。然后,我会看一些

蜗居张嘉译是干嘛的 wang liqin is my favorite sports star. he is a professional table tennis player. he was born in shanghai in june,1976. he is very tall. he is 1.86 meters tall. he began to play
