台湾的中小学老师工资 what are you doing?你在 干嘛 what are you doing now?你在 干嘛

EDG小胖现状 你好。 准备 做某事 翻译成 英语 是Be prepared to do sth.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

2k小说网逆天邪神 what are you gonna do ?【含有此意的双语句子】1、 What are you gonna do ? I want to be a reporter.你要做什么? 我想当一个播音员.2、What will you do in the october

同学 你欠青春一张返校照 get ready to do sth

2022年春节期间是冬奥会 what do you want ?what's up ?what are you thinking ?都有这意思,看语境了


张嘉译送给闫妮的歌 那,前几天你 干嘛 了 So, what did you do the other day? 重点词汇释义 前几天the other day

沈阳恒大滨江左岸日景效果图 你将来 准备干什么 ?: You going to do in the future?What would you like to do 你想做什么呢 回你想做什么.:I want to do.

敏涛家庭 what are you going to do now?I want to do homework. What about you ?I would like to listen music.where is Sally?She is working hard. Don't bother her.Oh, all right!It is too hot!

中小学生常备古诗词 你要和 你准备 应该差不多都是将要做。what are u going to do 你想应该是没贮备做呢只是计划what do u want to do


旧时人们如何储存水银 preparation [ˌprɛpəˈreʃən] n. 准备 ,预备; 准备 工作; 配制品; [例句]Rub the surface of the wood in preparation for the varnish打磨木头的表面,为刷清漆做 准备 。