自己给自己打针视频 案是I am grateful to you for showing me around the city .如果不用grateful ,还可以说Thank you for showing me around the city .

我的会长是女仆 Amy plans to visit this city .

现代文言文点击八上 我流连忘返于长城的美景i linger in the beautiful scenery of the the great wall

高新区知识产权补贴 我听说你想知道一些关于 这个城市 的景点I heard you want to know something about the city .我听说你想知道一些关于 这个城市 的景点I heard you want to know something

养父母兄弟 我希望有一天我能有机会 参观 这个城市 。I hope one day I can have the opportunity to visit this city .希望可以帮到你 望采纳

二手非住宅评估费用谁来承担 Some people enioY the convenience of the city . First, there are many public places of entertainment, such as parks, cinemas, exhibitions, nightclubs and so on. And there ale

有吃住这个词吗 用 英语 怎么说 这个城市 有许多方面可供游客欣赏There are lots of things for tourist to visit There are many aspects which can be visited by touristsThere are a lot of tourists for

住宅小区住改商整改 Last week we visited the city

火星天气预报 这个城市 有许多旅游景点 英语 There are many tourist scenic spots in this city .


小学作文动物的住宅 然而它是 这个城市 最受欢迎的地方之一However, it is one of the most popular places in the city

哈士奇两个月智商题说明 然而它是 这个城市 最受欢迎的地方之一 英语