风险等级划分最高的国家 event 比如,三聚氰胺 事件 melamine event

国庆假期生活二三事600字 事情 thing; matter; affair (第一个最常用)如果是复数,注意最后加s; 如果是单数,特别注要注意 affair 前面加的是an

风险与信用等级题说明 emergent incident or accident???? 哪个好呢?

国庆假期进入尾声了 event 望采纳 祝你学习进步

美国引渡孟晚舟事件最新进展 1. affair 事情 , 事件 ;事务;个人的事,私事;风流韵事2. matter 事件 ;(讨论、考虑等的)题;重要性;物质3. business 事务, 事情 ;商业,交易,生意;公司,商店


娘炮配音小品完整版 event [i'vent] n. 大事, 事件 例句与用法 In any event , the worst that she can do is say no'. 不管怎样, 她大不了就是说个`不'字. This article discussed the events that led

佛山12-17岁接种疫苗通知 突发 事件 的 英文 emergency 词汇解析 emergency 英 [ɪ'mɜːdʒ(ə)nsɪ] 美 [ɪ'mɝdʒənsi] n. 紧急情况;非常时刻;突发 事件 adj. 紧急的;备用的 例He deals with

学生期待开学的8大原因 Last week,I came across a stray dog when I was taking a walk in my neighborhood.It was a cold day, and there was nobody around.I stopped and he looked at me helplessly.

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梅西晃孙兴慜 takeplace,happen,occur,comeabout和breakout(1).takeplace表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性 事件 的“发生”,即这种 事件 的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排

梅西老头踢 On May12th,2008,a terrible earthquake took place in Sichuan.Most houses fell down.Thousands of people were killed or injured and the whole cities were destroyed.Very